Folk remedies for worm disease in adults

Heartworm disease is a dangerous health condition that is characterized by the accumulation of a large number of different types of helminths. Worms release a large amount of toxic substances into the body, which eventually leads to the appearance of disorders of the functioning of internal organs. Treatment of helminthiasis can be carried out by traditional methods and folk remedies. It is not always possible to use the first method on the example of a particular patient, since he may have a large number of contraindications to their admission. In this case, the best example of therapy would be prescribing home remedies according to proven prescriptions.

folk remedies for worms

The appearance of symptoms of worms in adult patients

Among the characteristic symptoms of the disease, the following stand out:

  • the appearance of severe pain in the stomach and lower abdomen, while gas formation may increase;
  • After eating, the patient may complain of abdominal discomfort, possibly due to increased activity of helminths after eating nutrients;
  • stools become rare or constipation is diagnosed;
  • in the morning and at night, intense itching of the anus, irritation may appear in this area;
  • against the accumulation of harmful substances, the appetite can completely disappear;
  • On the contrary, the patient sometimes suffers from intense hunger, constantly wanting to eat, but even in the context of high food consumption, their body weight decreases;
  • In addition, disturbances in memory and concentration are noted, lethargy, fatigue and irritability appear.

Attention! In many cases, such disorders can also be triggered by intestinal disorders and problems due to reduced immunity. But it will not be superfluous to undergo a laboratory examination to confirm or deny a dangerous diagnosis.

Black carnation for the treatment of worms in adults

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to use cloves, which are used in cooking. To begin with, it is pre-ground into a powder; you better do this in a coffee grinder. Therapy consists in taking the spice immediately after meals three times a day. On the first day, you need to take half a gram of cloves for each dose. On the second day, a single dose is increased to 1 g, from the second day it is recommended to take 1. 5 g of the powder each time. You should not increase the prescribed amount any further. Clove worm removal therapy lasts for 10 days.

deworming seasoning

Attention! In some cases, there is an obvious intolerance to cloves, as a result of which the patient may experience swelling of the oral cavity. In addition, for better assimilation of the product, it is recommended to drink the powder with a small amount of purified water.

Coriander anthelmintic in adult patients

In some recipes to remove contamination, one should add this spice only to food, salads with coriander are especially useful. But to get rid of worms quickly and effectively, it is better to use a stronger formula. It provides for the preheating of seeds in a dry pan for no more than a minute. The cooled spice is then ground in a coffee grinder and taken 1 g after each meal or during it. No more than three grams of the active ingredient is taken per day. Treatment lasts for 9-14 days. Usually 10 days is enough.

ground coriander for parasites

Attention! If it is difficult to get dried coriander, you can also drink it with a little water. If that doesn't work, it's best to switch to a treatment that uses coriander as a seasoning for the main dish. Best with greens.

Herbal medicine against worm poisoning

Herbs are considered one of the most effective means of combating helminthic pathogens. They can be used to treat patients infected with certain types of parasites. As a treatment, use wormwood, the pungent floral part of the clove plant, fresh mint, ha shou wu, dandelion rhizomes, thyme, and valerian. All ingredients are taken in the respective proportions 3: 1: 3: 1: 2: 2: 2: 0, 5. For a measure, it is better to take a tablespoon without a slide.

deworming herbs

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Then, two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, it is better to take the water that has stagnated for 5 minutes after boiling. It is important to keep the herbs in the thermos for 45 minutes. After emphasizing, the collection is filtered and takes equal parts of the day. The treatment can be continued for 10 days.

Attention! Due to the large number of herbs, it is advisable to ensure that they are well tolerated. Also, undesirable reactions cannot be excluded specific to the given receiver combination. In order to exclude dangerous consequences and treat them promptly, if necessary, use a fast-acting antihistamine.

Infusion of onions against helminths

The strength of this treatment is its ability to be used once. To cure the disease, you need to take a medium onion, weighing about 100-120 g, then wash it well and chop it.

onions to remove parasites

The onion mass is put in a glass and poured 200 ml of water in, it should be about 70-80 degrees. The mixture is infused throughout the night, but not less than 8 hours. Then all the onion seeds are filtered. Drinking tincture is necessary 30 minutes before breakfast. If the patient's condition does not improve within 7 days, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Attention! You can use garlic in the same way. 2-3 cloves of garlic are also brewed for one night with the same amount of water. Only need to drink concentrated water once. Repeat treatment can be carried out no earlier than 7 days after the procedure.

Dandelion and burdock fight helminthiasis in adults

To prepare the drug in equal proportions, it is necessary to mix the crushed roots of dandelion and burdock. A spoonful of ingredients is boiled in 200 ml of boiling water for 5-7 minutes. It is not necessary to emphasize the broth, which can be filtered immediately and drunk in full after breakfast or dinner. For a more pleasant taste, one should also lightly fry the tubers in a pan without oil until the ingredients are browned. Duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Anti-worm honey water

It is strictly forbidden to prepare in advance such a remedy, because after half an hour peroxide will begin to accumulate in it, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. To prepare the medicine, you will need to take 200 ml of warm water at 40-60 degrees and dissolve a single teaspoon of natural honey in it. The drug is taken in the morning before breakfast and in the evening one hour before bedtime. The treatment continued for 14 days.

Attention! When using honey, you do not need to be afraid of edema due to drinking a lot of water before sleeping. The honey ingredient reduces stress on the kidneys, ultimately improving their function and helping to eliminate excess water in the body.

Infusion of anti-helminthic oats

To prepare the product, you will not need to take the crumbs, but the granules themselves. They are rinsed first, then dried on paper towels to remove any liquid. It is important that the oatmeal is dry, the outcome of the treatment depends on it. The product is then ground into a powder in a coffee grinder.

oats from parasites

For one procedure, 2 tablespoons of powder are made, you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water and press for four hours in a thermos or under a tight lid. It is required to infuse oatmeal 100 ml an hour before meals three times a day. It is possible to continue treatment for 14 days, and at the same time it is possible to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxic substances from the body.

Apple cider vinegar treats helminths in adults

Using this method, you can get rid of not only one type of worm infection, but also several types of parasites. For 200 ml of warm water that must be boiled, you need to take 5 ml of apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to drink such a solution after breakfast and dinner. The recommended course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. You should also combine vinegar solutions at the same time as taking onion or garlic tinctures. This combination enhances the treatment effect by two to three times.

apple cider vinegar for deworming

Highlander snakes for worms and intestinal disorders

This folk remedy is excellent for parasitic infections accompanied by severe diarrhea. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 g of climbing snake, combine with two spoons of Potentilla, take the root. For best results, this mixture also needs to add two tablespoons of the leaves of the eggplant, which must be dried. Then add all the ingredients and mix well, add one tablespoon to 0. 2 liters of boiling water. The collection is kept under the lid for half an hour. The drug is taken orally 50 ml up to 4 times a day. It is best to do this exercise 40-60 minutes before a meal. Treatment continues until symptoms of diarrhea are eliminated, but not more than 10 days.

Attention! When using drugs from the pharmacy aimed at stopping diarrhea, it is better to reduce the dosage of the decoction by half. This will prevent the opposite effect in the form of severe constipation from developing.

What can be combined with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be combined with pharmaceutical preparations, which will be prescribed by a specialist.

Attention! Such combinations are well tolerated by patients, as none of the medicinal products are used in home recipes. But at the same time, individual reactions of the body associated with increased sensitivity cannot be excluded.

At the first sign of helminthiasis, if possible, blood or stool tests should be performed to identify the pathogen. The blood test is more accurate, as it allows to immediately determine the type of helminth and the degree of infection of the patient. If the appointment of folk remedies did not bring tangible results, and the patient's general state of health began to noticeably deteriorate, it is better to consult a specialist and choosechoose the best and safest pharmacy. If necessary, home treatments can be combined with traditional methods, which will only help speed up recovery.